Our Team
  • Associate

Brian Velarde Romero

Associate in the firm, specialized in consultantship labor matters. His practice focuses on legal advisement for the management of individual and collective labor relations in different business areas.

Brian Velarde Romero
  • Consultantship
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Bachelor’s Degree (2020)
Work Experience
  • Associate in Vinatea & Toyama (2020 – to date)
  • Pre-professional Practitioner in Vinatea & Toyama Lawyers S.C.R.L. (2019)
  • Pre-professional Practitioner in the Wellbeing and Career Planning Office of the Law Faculty of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (2019)
  • Pre-professional Practitioner in Miranda y Amado Lawyers S.C.R.L. (2017 – 2019)
  • Spanish
  • English
Memberships and Affiliations
  • Extraordinary Member of the Study Group of the Social and Employment Organization
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Subjoined lecturer, “Special Labor Law” (2019 – to date)
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Subjoined lecturer, “Legal Clinic and Social Responsibility – Labor Law and Social Safety” (2020 – to date)